This is a checklist of the things that should be taken into account when considering an organisation’s ethical view of the way it conducts business. It allows companies to assess how well they are meeting a number of key requirements, grouped together under broad subject headings.
Each requirement is presented as a statement (with its legal necessity shown in brackets afterwards). For each requirement, simply click on the left-hand tab that most accurately reflects your current position.
On a laptop or desktop computer, leaving your answers open will allow you to print and save your results at the end of the checklist. This facility is not available on mobile devices.

SECTION 1: Governance – Organisation

1.1: Your organisation has a clearly defined set of values to guide and inform its vision and purpose (good practice).

1.2: Leaders demonstrate their commitment to your organisation’s ethical approach to doing business through their everyday actions and interactions (good practice).

SECTION 2: Governance – Policy Framework

2.1: Your organisation has set out its overall approach to ethics which has been shared with and promoted to all relevant stakeholders (good practice).

2.2: Your organisation’s ethical approach is practically reflected in all other relevant documentation with controls its operations (such as those relating to finance; Human Resources (including pay and remuneration); sales, marketing and customer care; purchasing and the supply chain; production; intellectual property; and governance) (good practice).

2.3: Your organisation has a mechanism for significant ethical breaches to be reported (‘whistleblowing’) (good practice).

SECTION 3: Operations

3.1: As far as can be determined without undue intrusion, appropriate checks are carried out prior to people being appointed to ensure that their morals and beliefs align with those of your organisation. In addition to staff, this should extend to non-executive board members, partners and associates (good practice).

3.2: Appropriate due diligence is carried out on all potential suppliers to ensure that their morals and beliefs align with those of your organisation (good practice).

3.3: Staff within your organisation, particularly those bound by standards set by professional bodies, are supported to achieve the required ethical behaviours (good practice).


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